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Monday, November 6, 2023

Tales from the Matthewsburg Manse


They say everyone has at least one book in them, and I’ve just published mine. Tales from the Matthewsburg Manse contains several short stories (some previously published) that collectively make up a novel. It’s currently available as print on demand (which is why it’s listed on Amazon as temporarily out of stock, you actually have to order it) or as an ebook (Kindle and other). If your public library is subscribed to OverDrive, you might be able to request the ebook version there.

Here’s the back cover blurb to give you some idea of what it’s about: When city girl Viv's husband Mark accepts his first pastoral charge in rural Matthewsburg, she wonders what to expect, and what will be expected of her. This collection of connected fiction stories, some humorous, some suspenseful, some even romantic, explores Viv's new life as she tries to find her place in the community while dealing with local gossip, old rivalries, suspected murder, sabotaged car shows, and more. Who says life in a small town is boring?

You can also find a sample of the first three stories on Amazon/Kindle.

If you do read it, I’d appreciate a review either on the site where you bought it or on GoodReads. If you like it, please tell your friends.
