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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Sugar Cookie Cream Liqueur


While I was looking for new recipes for my Christmas baking, I came across a reference to a sugar cookie martini. A drink that tasted like a cookie sounded interesting. (Google it yourself if you want the original version, it’s all over the internet). But when I looked at the ingredients, I found it had a lot of alcohol in it, more than I’d want myself or would feel comfortable serving to others, especially if driving. So I started to play with it. Everyone I’ve served it to tells me it’s delicious, and I think so too.

3 ounces Bailey’s original or generic equivalent
1 tablespoon Amaretto* ditto
2 tablespoons brown sugar
6 ounces 10% cream (half and half)

Zap in a blender for 30 seconds (the Magic Bullet is great for this because you can do it in the serving glasses). That’s it.

2 generous portions or 4 more reasonable ones.

The recipe can be multiplied. It’s delicious freshly made but I think it’s even better after sitting in the fridge 24 hours. I use clean pop bottles to store it.

*Most of the recipes I saw online use a lot more, plus vodka, but I thought the flavour of the Amaretto overpowered the other ingredients so I cut it back a lot.